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6 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Tue, 08 July 2008 07:32 «» By: itroome
Optimizing the Query
…Guros Any One Suggest me to improve this Query with Best Explain. I want to this Query to populate hte Data into LOVs rECORD gROUP Query: SELECT job_ref, job_status, bol_number, department_code, import_export, orig_ref FROM (…
2 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Mon, 03 March 2008 07:29 «» By: itroome
ristrict the number of record populate= 500
…Guru How I can ristrict the number of record populate= 500 after the execute query. Muhammad Aurangzaib Sr. Application Developer (LARA) CMA CGM Dubai, U.A.E Phone.: +971 4 375 7336 , + 971 50 9511419 Email:…
3 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Fri, 13 July 2007 08:53 «» By: itroome
Procedure Code [Ref Cursor] Help NOT Urgent
…Code PROCEDURE pr_insert_st_rtn_arrears_prin ( schm IN VARCHAR2, gstttab IN VARCHAR2, pkid IN NUMBER ) IS st_rtn_arrears_prin_cursor Pkg_Centstax.st_rtn_arrears_prin_curs_type; …
4 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Wed, 01 June 2005 15:47 «» By: itroome
Import DB and DB Store Prcedures from MS SQL Server to Oracle
… I hope you all will be fine and best in your health. Actully I have MS SQL Server DB and DB Store Procedures that I want to import in Oracle 8.1.7. Can I Import these DB and Stored Procedures. I have A lot Stored Procedures that need to import in …
5 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Mon, 05 July 2004 13:16 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
Re: Error. Developer6i Installation Error.Urgent
Salam Hope u are best inyu health... thax a lot of guiding me to a right direction.... Please also guide from where and how i can get patches... thx a lot
6 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Fri, 17 October 2003 14:58 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
Help for Conversion SQLReports (.RPT) to Developer 6i (.RDF)
… I have about 500 RPT programs running under Oracle 5 for Unix. I want to move them to Oracle 8i (with Developer 6i) for Window NT . I need to convert my .RPT programs, which has based output (.LIS) File, to Developer 6i. I will greatly appreciate if …

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